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Our services

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Software Development

We're all about software! We can build anything and love to push our limits. We specialize in building web and mobile applications that are powered by robust and scalable backend cloud systems. We work with organizations and businesses ranging from brand new startup companies to large corporate companies. We leverage many technologies and take pride in selecting the most appropriate solution for your needs.

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Mentoring for Startups

We've worked with many new companies, some with technical expertise and some without. We can be an extension of your team in any role whether you need a Team Lead or a Rockstar Software Developer, or we can provide the full team. We love to share our knowledge and help teams work together and improve their skills and expertise along the way. We want to help you build a long term company, not just complete a project.

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Iterative Process

We work in iterations providing transparency into our day-to-day work as well as giving you the ability to provide consistent feedback during the development process. This helps ensure that the finished product matches your vision and allows us to factor in feedback and new ideas along the way.

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Mobile Application Development

Mobile development is a key component of any software project this day and age. We love building responsive HTML5 web applications and native mobile applications. We can help you choose the best strategy depending on your budget, team skill set and your product goals and requirements.

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Conceptualization to Launch

We love to brainstorm and work with whiteboards. We take great pride in our ability to turn a one hour whiteboard discussion into a clean, scalable system and take the product all the way from an idea to a launched product, testing it with early adopting customers along the way. We can manage all hosting, I.T. and server administration duties so you don't have to worry about anything. We have a proven track record to succeed at all phases in the Software Development Life Cycle.

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System Design

We're great at designing system architecture and building User Interface wireframes and mockups. We can do the planning for you to provide to your own technical team, or we can do the planning and build it too, you choose what works best for you.

Mobile optimized

Our approach

We work on your project like it's our own, bringing new ideas, creative points of view and challenging your ideas when necessary to evolve, iterate and develop them into industry leading products.

We believe product development should be innovative with a clear vision and purpose, driven by the core concept of the product and collaboratively executed in an agile environment. Starting with whiteboard drawings we'll take you through wireframing & system design followed by iterative development and continual user testing every step of the way to launch.

About us

Lucas Harron

Great Blue Technologies' Founder Lucas Harron has always had a passion for computing since a very young age. From building a Star Wars fan page in 1993, to attending the Computer Science program at the University of Guelph, and working on a wide variety of innovative projects along the way to develop a strong understanding of all aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle. Lucas' quest for perfection shows through outside of the office in his love for surfing, his 9-ball pool game or his double tailwhip on his BMX bike.

Get in touch with us!

We'd love to discuss your project with you. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We're proudly based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada!

How much is 2 + 2 =

Life is short. Build stuff that matters.

Siqi Chen